Performance | Wind | Athlete | Birth year | Club | Location | Date |
13:34.68 | Markus - | 1955 | STB Leichtathletik | East Rutherford | 09.02.1985 | |
13:07.95 | Jonas Raess | 1994 | LC Regensdorf | Boston USA | 12.02.2022 |
Performance | Wind | Athlete | Birth year | Club | Location | Date |
13:34.68 | Markus - | 1955 | STB Leichtathletik | East Rutherford | 09.02.1985 | |
13:07.95 | Jonas Raess | 1994 | LC Regensdorf | Boston USA | 12.02.2022 |
Due to a technical problem, the results of the current outdoor season are momentarily out of date.
Thanks for your understanding.
The Stat' team